An Open Letter for New Couponers

You may have found this site by watching an show on TLC named "Extreme Couponing"
You may have found me when you saw me in the store and I gave you a card.
You may have fallen down a hole in the internet and found me.

How ever you found me...WELCOME and  am so glad to have you here.

Now if you saw the show and have some questions I am here to awnser them, but  will have to burst a bubble.
The show is a farce. In nearly every episode that has aired there has been some sort of fraud commited to achieve those results. Not all. Some are awesome amazing folks like Mr.Coupon and Manders from

The problem is simple. The episodes show people using the coupons incorrectly. On every coupon you see there will be a little paragraph of terms. You have to agree to those terms in order to use the coupon. If you don't it is fraud, and fraud is illegal. Yes if you knowingly misuse a coupon, are caught and some one decided to press charges for fraud, you could go to jail. I am sorry to say so and I am not trying to scare you. The show has just led to some unrealistic expectations and I deal only with facts and numbers in my life.

So if the show is not totally accurate, can you still have allot of savings?
One word  YES

Will you walk out with $1000 work or free good in one shopping trip? I don't think so. I hope one day, but don't think it will happen. And if it is EXTREAMLY rare.

Can you save 50% per shopping trip?
Easy-Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Pretty Easy

Not uncommon

After a while yes.
This level of savings is generally on SMALL transactions at a local drug store.
After you have fleshed out your stockpile.

At the date I wrote this letter (6/9/2011) I have returned from a pretty long hiatus from couponing due to having to care for a sick family member. I restarted in May 2011.

I have to date Saved $1148.60

My shelf price was $1727.72
I have paid $585.83


And I am going to be very honest here. And this is a bit embarrassing.

I am mom. When I have to make the choice between myself and my son and his father. The choice is EASY for me to make, as most mom's would agree. Before my return to couponing my budget was so thin I had not been able to shave my legs since FEB 2011. Yhea. I felt horrid about it. Couponing allowed my enough wiggle room in my budge that I could finally buy a set a razors. Let me tell ya. I cried when I shaved my legs. (I even splurged an got shaving cream! Something I had not had in YEARS)
Now I have a supply and I am ecstatic! My budget is still paper thin, but its now able to heal a bit.

Thats all for now folks,
Lady M